A bespectacled man with greying stubble beard, wearing a touk and squinting at the camera from inside a sleeping bag, inside a tent. His left hand bearing a wedding ring is curled against his chin.
Blurry, overlit image of a man in a yellow riding jersey wearing a floppy-brim hat with drop-down mosquito net. A portion of a bicycle and some forest trees are in the background.
A man in a yellow cycling jersey, wearing a grey headscarf and reflective wrap-around sunglasses. There is a yellow sign on the wall behind, and a glassed roof overhead, presumably to keep the passageway clear in the event of snow.
A dismounted helmeted rider, mugging for the camera while holding the uncoupled front bicycle wheel with missing spokes in one hand, and one of the spokes in the other.
Elderly bald man in a yellow riding jersey and gold-rim glasses with a sweat-soaked cotton scarf draped over his neck gaping at the camera in a state of exhaustion.
A photo dock with generic garden-related cartoon figures with placeholder faces in all positions except the center one, where a bald man in sunglasses peers out at the camera.