A roadside embankment stabilized with cemented facing covered in moss.
A bicycle parked on a narrow asphalt road leading into forested land.
A bicycle parked on a road in the midst of towering cedar trees. A guardrail is visible in the foreground.
The handlebar of bike is at the bottom of the photograph, standing above a small narrow forested gorge cut by a small stream extending below on the right, with a roadway suspended along the mountainside to the left.
A bicycle parked in a narrow patch of asphalt between a rusted guard rail and a trafficked road.
A white sedan and a truck driving past the sign at the roadside.
A small blue van following the sedan and truck from the previous photograph.
A large truck with a steel box for hauling construction rubbish, following the van, sedan, and truck from the previous photographs.
Faded flowers in a plastic wrapper tied to a guardrail, with traffic in motion in the roadway beyond.
A view down a road ending in a twin tunnel under a hill in the distance.